Monday, April 6, 2009


I don't know why I finally decided to get a blog. The steady diet of Non-fiction books I've been reading could just be it. I don't think I'll ever know.

What to write about.

Where do I start?

I've lived in Toronto my entire life, only traveling around certain parts of North America (highlights including New Orleans, Birmingham, Clarksdale, and the I-75 through Kentucky). I've always wanted to travel outside of Canada so I can finally get a real grasp on what life would be like coming from a foreign country then moving to, of all fucking places, Toronto.

I don't hate this city, but I don't love it.

I just get flabbergasted sometimes when I see the level of idiocy, pretension(cough), intolerance, and above all confusion.

Torontonian's should know that it's one of the smallest big cities in the world. In Toronto, you can have 4-5 completely different ethnic neighbourhoods within the span of 5 miles. Mine, for example, encompasses Greeks, Chinese, Afghan Muslims, Sri Lankans, Yugoslavians, Serbs, andYuppies (will be a race one day). All of which are in a baseball's throw within each other.

Now, where do the aforementioned negativities fit in? Everywhere.

've noticed that all of these people have learned to uniformly live in an idiotic state. Luckily, the level of violence in my neighbourhood which could be astronomical but isn't, has never really been a problem here.

I've been privy to the occasional hooting from macho greek-macedonian youth (don't get me started on why they're friends) but again this kind of "What the fuck are you lookin' at me fo, you hate greeks? Ya, you do, you hate greeks. Yo pappanos watch me ice dis foolio." Even though I was trying my hardest not to laugh at their attitudes, haircuts (though I wasn't then, I am a tad of a fashion critic), and overall poor grammar, I knew not to associate this cultural intolerance with general youth related counter-culture hatred.

Where I most see of these idiocies lie deep with in the subconcious of almost everyone. Even equal rights fanatics have their levels of intoerance.

When I asked a super pro-feminist girl in my high school why men and women should be equal, she replied, "We're all equal you fucking retard, even you should know that."
This if course proving that she was intolerant of occasional pot-induced, cookie hounding, hippy cultured, fog of retardation which I was so prone to in high school.

So even she was intolerant.

So my dreams and want for experimentation to live the life of a Nepalese, an Indian, a francophone(the real ones), or even a snooty Brit, coming to Canada is still one of my highest asperations.

This is only because Toronto is so self-contained, which causes the previous problems, and I say that because we only really know(for those who've lived here long ebough) what culture means to Toronto and not everywhere else.

In some ways it is a good thing(no assoc. with Mar Stew) that we have this because we can begin the learning process, but my entire point to this is don't fucking judge if you don't know.

I can't stress this enough.

Thinking now, I know exactly why this all came up.

My basis from this comes not from racial intolerance, which I start seeing less and less, but of sexual intolerance.

I go to Humber College where, rather than the atheists who plague downtown Toronto, I plagued with people who are christ loving, allah worshipping, scriptual following religion freaks.

There are very few, especially in my first year, college students whom I encounter(ed) that did not have some kind of predetermined or set of ideals on what gay is or should be.

Since I was born, I've lived with gays and lesbians. My godfathers, together almost thirty years and married four, were both there the day I was born, in hospital alongside my mom and dad. So as you can imagine, I am a huge supporter for gay rights and equal treatment, and above all understanding. So as you can imagine, having a class full of kids who think being gay means public ass-fucking, major lisps, trewating every man like a piece of ass (insinuating that gays have no standards), pink clothes, and little dogs that fit in purses.

These intolerant, judgemental, moronic thoughts make me furious. Even writing this, is making my blood boil. I really, really hate to say it, but almost all of the kids who spouted these unfortunate words came from what I call Toronto's bible belt: all the suburbs surrounding Toronto where religion is 50 times more common than not. So everything form Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Markham, and Richmond Hill, are part of this belt.

Don't get me wrong, I have many frinds who live in the bible belt and I wouldn't trade them for anything, but that religious level of idiocy and intolerance has got to go.

Though I didn't start the blog with any intentions of having my first piece be preachy or opinionated, I guess you never know what your mind is doing to you when it happens. I'm currently sick as a dog, high on advil, listening to debussy

I know my mind can't be working right, and these days I've become more and more aware of how true it is.

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